Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Simple Steps to Organizing a Small Closet

Have you ever thought about organizing a small closet space in your home , but not sure where to start ? Here's a quick and handy guide to get closet spaces in order .

1 ) Go Vertical .

Most small closet has more room height wise than they do width wise . We recommend to use every inch of space possible , and there are several different ways to do it . One way is to use a vertical cube or shelf . Another way to maximize your vertical space is to invest in a hanging organizer . There are various types of these and you can pretty much find them in whatever size you are looking for . Most of them are pretty slim that you can fit in a closet a few . To make this unit saves space , you may have to stack items on top of each other . Some items lend themselves to this better than others ( hint : do not stack fragile items ) . Products that we consider " stackable " include : clothing or any other material that may lie when folded , hats , socks and shoes . You could also go the route of not buying an organizer or shelf stacking system and direct goods on shelves already in the closet . Most people just pile clothing / accessories on the top shelf until they are no longer within arm's reach . However , if you are willing to sacrifice a bit of comfort , you can add to your wardrobe with the use of piling up the item to the top of your closet . Whatever method you choose to stack your stuff , this is an easy way to maximize your space .

2 ) Use the door .

Most of the cabinets have some type of doors on them . If you do not , why not use the back ( inside ) door to store small items ? ( If not , please refer to the other two methods listed here to maximize your space . ) You can try to organize the installation of trash or trays on the door and store gloves , hats , sunglasses , clothing , accessories ( think scrolling belt or scarf ) or anything that will fit in there . There are also over the door hanging organizer that you can buy that has a slot for to organize your small items . When choosing the type of door organizer to use , there are a few things to keep in mind . With organizers installed , you need to be prepared to actually attach to your door . This means that there may be a sign left on the door if / when you decide to take it down . Some people even nails or screws at the organizers for the purpose of stability , which would leave a hole in your door . With more than organizers of the door , be prepared for it to leave some kind of mark on the door and or frame . Size and the fashion in which he will do so depends on two things : what the organizer you buy and what you put on the agenda . In general , we prefer the organizers installed because we believe that they offer more stability , but the choice is ultimately yours .

3 )floor it .

Once again , we urge you to maximize every space possible . Using the floor for the purpose of organizing can lead you down to pick up the items when you need them , which can be an inconvenience . However , it can save tons of space . Shoe racks are available for purchase and come in a variety of different styles and sizes . Another way is to use the floor to fill the bins and / or bucket with items and put them into an empty corner . Most people do not think to store their belongings on the floor because they assume that they will use as running the floor space . If you really have a small closet space though , chances are that you will not run into the closet anyway . So why not use it ?
Remember , it is important to work with the space you have . Just because you may be a small closet in the room does not mean that it should be small in the organization .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Let's admit, it especially for moms, kids are very playful and love to scatter their toys on the floor and then once they feel that they are already bored they will just leave all th mess on the floor. We can teach them how to be organized. There are a lot of tips online like this blog. Thanks for sharing such information.
    closet organizer Sarasota
